Ethan Hawke sings song about his fat beast of an ex wife, Uma Thurman

Ethan Hawke was one of the musicians to take the stage entertaining theater guests between performances of the “24 Hour Plays,” which are six one act plays performed back to back that were written, rehearsed and set up entirely in just 24 hours. A journalist from NY Magazine was there, and she noted that the music act that was on before Ethan wasn’t so good, but that once the scruffy ex-husband of Uma Thurman came on stage the crowd was mesmerized – by his lyrics:

Out of nowhere, actor Ethan Hawke hopped up onstage, strapped on an acoustic guitar and bared his soul to the audience. “Someone I know wrote this song while shooting a movie in Paris during his divorce,” he said. We, along with the rest of the audience, gasped. He was totally talking about himself, and more important, Uma Thurman…

He proceeded to sing a ditty that included lyrics about “not caring if [he] ever saw New York again,” “the lawyers,” and — most telling — “my wife.” Uma! “My wife hates me,” he sang, adding something about how she would call him a prick, how he longed to send for his children, tralalala singing stuff. We were intoxicated, both with beverages and with memories of Dead Poets Society. And then! “My wife is a big fat beast,” he sang. We gasped, along with the rest of the audience. He called Uma fat! In public! Sheepishly, Hawke broke his musicianly stride: “Yeah, I was very upset at the time.” And still is, we suspect.

[From NY Magazine]

Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman broke up in 2003 and were divorced in 2004. They have two children, a daughter, Maya, 9, and a son, Levon, 6.

Although Ethan’s cheating is thought to have ended their relationship, Uma took the high road when describing what happened, and told Oprah that “Blaming anybody doesn’t make you feel better and when you have two children, I think, that’s such a priority to protect them and to never lose sight of the fact that, even if you’re in a fight or even if things are going badly, it’s in their best interests that everybody comes out OK, so there’s no winning.” [from Softpedia]

Ethan kept talking about their relationship though, calling it “unfair” that Uma was so much more successful than him. Although he didn’t specifically name her, it’s obvious who he’s talking about.

“It’s unfair when one person’s career is taking off and the other is really suffering,” he says. “What happens — it’s not that they’re jealous of each other; it’s that the person you share your life with isn’t in the mood to support. You want to have a pity party for yourself, but they’re off to the Golden Globes and you don’t want to go because everyone is going to think you are jealous.”

[AMC’s Shootout from Evil Beet]

Now Ethan, 37, is dating his family’s former nanny, 27, and his rep has confirmed that she’s pregnant with his baby. Ethan and the nanny supposedly didn’t have anything going on when she was employed by his family and are said to have hooked up afterwards. I wonder how she feels about the fact that he’s singing songs about his ex wife.

Ethan and Uma were photographed together outside their children’s school on March 13, presumably going to a parent teacher conference. The 24 Hour plays were on March 17, so I guess we can assume that Ethan and Uma didn’t entirely get along during that rare get together.

Ethan Hawke is shown filming scenes for “NY, I Love You” on 3/20/08, thanks to Splash News.
