Exclusive: Ellise Gitas - CelebMix

Ellise Gitas is a 17 year old singer that NEEDS to be on your radar. Not only is she stunningly beautiful (stalk her Instagram, trust us) but she has an incredible voice to match. We got to exclusively chat with her about her rise to stardom.

What inspired you to become a singer?
I was inspired to become a singer when I was in 4th grade and performed my first solo, “Because of You” by Kelly Clarkson, at my school’s back to school night. Every since that first performance, I completely fell in love with singing and performing.

If you could duet with any artist, who would it be?
I would duet with Shawn Mendes. I’m a big fan of him and have been since he started out on vine years ago! I love his voice.

Tell us about your single “Break Down”.
I wrote “Break Down” with Chris Seefried, an extremely successful producer who I admire. He has worked with some amazing artists and was nominated for a GRAMMY award this past year! The song is about my mother, but I love it because it can be related to any sort of relationship. I like that so many different people can connect their stories to it.


You have an EP coming out, what has the experience been recording?
I just recently finished recording all the vocals for my upcoming EP, and it was one of the best experiences of my life. From creating tracks, to writing, to singing leads and backgrounds, I enjoyed it so much. Every time we completed a song, I felt this crazy high that I’ve never felt before! It was seriously some of the most fun I’ve ever had, and a very rewarding experience as well.

You’re known for your covers, what is your favorite cover song ever?
My favorite song that I have covered so far is 100% Dangerous Woman! I love singing Ariana songs, mainly because she has such an amazing voice and I love putting my own personal twist on her style. I’m also a HUGE Arianator, so I’m always happy to cover anything by her.



Your mother moved to America from Iraq. How does that heritage influence you?
I was raised very in touch with my culture. From listening to & speaking the language, to helping cook the native food, my mom made sure I always knew my roots. Most of my mom’s side of the family came to America from Iraq, so I’ve been immersed in the culture from a young age.

You can follow Ellise on social media:


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PS: Ellise is part of Macy’s iHeartRadio Rising Star Competition. Voting ends June 5th and you can vote via Twitter by using #ElliseGitas #RisingStar or voting HERE
