Fred Hechinger

Place of Birth: New York, U.S.

Date of Birth: December 1 or 2, 1999

Ethnicity: Ashkenazi Jewish

Fred Hechinger is an American actor. His roles include the films Alex Strangelove, Human Capital, News of the World, The Woman in the Window, Italian Studies, the Fear Street trilogy, Butcher’s Crossing, The Pale Blue Eye, and Hell of a Summer, and the series The Underground Railroad, The White Lotus, and Pam & Tommy.

He grew up on New York’s Upper West Side. His grandfather, also named Fred Hechinger, was a prominent education editor/writer at The New York Times. His maternal aunt is film critic Leah Rozen.

Fred’s paternal grandfather was Fred Michael “Fritz” Hechinger (the son of Dr. Julius Josef Hechinger and Lily/Lilly Niedermaier). Fred was born in Nuremberg, Middle Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, to a Jewish family. He came to the U.S. in 1936, because of the Nazi regime, and died a few years before his grandson Fred was born. Julius was the son of Moses Hechinger and Regine Bomeisler.

Fred’s paternal grandmother was Grace Bernstein (the daughter of Sylvan Bernstein and Helen Peles). Grace was born in New York. Sylvan was the son of David Bernstein and Goldie/Goldy Cohen, who were born in New York, both of them to emigrant parents, from Russia and/or Germany for David and from Germany and/or Poland for Goldie. Helen was the daughter of Isidor/Isador Peles, who was born in Russia, and of Minnie Cohen, whose parents were from Russia.

Fred’s maternal grandfather was Marvin Earl Rozen (the son of Joseph Rozen and Ida Itka Bobkowski Davis). Marvin was born in Illinois. Joseph was born in Russia. Ida was born in Poland, the daughter of Abram/Abraham David Bobkowski Davis and Liba/Liebe/Libby Lewkowski, who were from Wąsosz.

Fred’s maternal grandmother was Frieda Shoenberg (the daughter of Pinhas/Pinchas Shainberg/Shoenberg/Sheinbaum/Sheinberg and Jona/Yona/Yonah/Toiba Levy). Frieda was born in Israel. Pinhas was born in Proskuroff, Russia, the son of Aizik Sheinberg and Rivka Kooperwasser/Kipperwasser. Yona was born in Jerusalem, Israel, the daughter of Yaakov Friedland Levy and Frieda Trachtenberg.

Sources: Genealogy of Fred’s father (focusing on his own father’s side) –

Obituary of Fred’s paternal grandfather, Fred M. Hechinger –

Marriage record of Fred’s paternal great-grandparents, Sylvan Bernstein and Helen Peles –

Fred’s paternal great-grandparents, Sylvan Bernstein and Helen Peles, on the 1930 U.S. Census –

Fred’s paternal great-grandfather, Sylvan Bernstein, on the 1910 U.S. Census –
Sylvan Bernstein on the 1920 U.S. Census –

Fred’s paternal great-grandmother, Helen Peles, on the 1910 U.S. Census –

Genealogy of Fred’s mother –

Death record of Fred’s maternal great-grandfather, Pinhas/Pinchas Shainberg/Shoenberg/Sheinbaum –
