How tall is Lennox Lewis

Former British Heavyweight Boxer. On his official site, the 'tale of the tape' has him at 6ft 5, 84 inch reach and on twitter said "I'm 6-5" although in mid 90's he was reported in newspapers at precisely 6ft 4.75 and 6ft 4.5. In 2004 though in a sports illustrated Q&A talking about Collegiate days: "Then, seeing 6-foot-8 guys as guards, well, I'm 6-foot-3 and I'm a power forward". How tall is Lennox LewisPhoto by PR Photos Physically, post-modern heavyweights have broken the mold from the days that 6-foot champions ruled the roost. In today’s world, even my 6ft 5ins frame is on the shorter side of the top guys.
-- World Boxing News
