Days Of Our Lives (DOOL) spoilers tease that Belle Black-Brady’s days (pun intended) are number in Salem. Actress Martha Madison recently sent out a post on social media, announcing her exit from the soap, sending fans reeling.
She recently sat down to chat with TV Insider, talking about her time with the show, her exit, and her thoughts on ousted co-Executive Producer, Albert Alarr and his scandal.
During her TV Insider interview, Ms. Madison notes that she was informed of the exit shortly before the soap opera received its Peacock renewal news.
She says that co-executive producer, the infamous Albert Alarr, called her the day before the renewal news hit, telling her Belle was being written off the show again. When she asked why, he said it was due to budget.
Although Martha does state she wasn’t overly shocked. After all, while she was “intrigued” by the EJ DiMera (Dan Feuerriegel) and Belle romance at first when the storyline was quickly and abruptly swept under the rug, she felt like she could see the “writing on the wall”.
Still, much like the land of Salem, Martha received an interesting real-life plot twist. As she was saying her “goodbyes” to everyone, she randomly received another script.
She was confused, as it revealed that Belle Black-Brady was staying in Salem, but no one had informed her of that. She would ultimately learn that the show wanted Madison to stick around for sporadic “legal” stuff from Belle.
Ms. Madison states after that, she had a “light bulb” moment. She realized that after 19 years of being on DOOL (on and off), it “clicked” that the soap was never going to showcase Ms. Black-Brady the way she felt she should be.
As such, she declined to be a recurring character and filmed her last scene this past April.
Now that Albert Alar is gone from the show, and Janet Drucker has replaced him, could Martha decide on a Days return? Ms. Madison notes that she’d have to “think” about it.
Still, she does state that she believes the show is in good hands with the new leadership. Madison states that Drucker is compassionate, kind, great at her job, and has the full respect of the crew and the cast. She believes Janet is going to be great.
When it comes to her thoughts on Alarr, she reveals diplomatically that she does not wish that public fallout for anyone and hopes all involved can find peace moving forward.
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